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Travian Server Script Url

.Introductionis a web game of an ancient European tribal war. I developed this tool to automatically accomplish tasks.

Tasks CategoryCurrently, there are six kinds of Travian tasks supported:. Upgrade task (upgrading resources or buildings). Build task (the build task). Develop task (used for Academy, Armoury and Blacksmith).

Training troop task (used for Barracks, Stable, Workshop, Palace and Residence). Transporting resource task (used for Marketplace). Troop dispatch task (used for rally point)Features. Supports multiple threads. Tasks queue can be executed in a separated thread.

Supports event log. Event can log to file and UI window. Event log supports multiple threads. Supports HTTP Get/Post method, raw cookie, UTF-8 encode/decode, gzip decompression, and URL encode/decode. HTTP functions based on the MFC class CInternetSession, so it's less dependent. HTTP Response decompression uses class Gunzip in Crypto, which is a C Class Library of Cryptographic Schemes. Refer to.

Uses Regular expressions to parse HTML, so it's compact. Once assigned tasks file, Travian server and user name/password, all tasks are accomplished unattended.Compile Source CodeThis project is built by VC8.0.50727 (VC2005 SP1). Before compiling the source project, you need to compile the cryptopp54 project first. The cryptopp54 project is located in the 'cryptopp54' sub-folder of Travian's source code directory. Then place cryptlibD.lib (Debug build) or cryptlib.lib (Release build) in the Travian source code folder.

Description of Main ClassesClass NameDescriptionClass Dependencies(Apart from MFC/STL)CAboutDlgAbout dialogCHyperLinkCEventLogEvent buffer management, log event to file and notify registered windows to fetch new events.CHttpClientSend HTTP Request and get HTTP response. Support Get/Post method, gzip decompression, URL encode/decode, UTF-8 encode/decode, raw cookie.CURLEncDecURL encode/decode.CRegexEncapsulation for ATL regular expression class CAtlRegExp, written by Paul DiLascia.CTravianTaskTravian tasks base class, which presents the upgrade tasks.

It parses HTML form fields given tasks' URL and special tag mark. If player has more than one village, then is CTravianTask responsible for switching current villages. CTravianTask also provides a static function to parse tasks from the tasks file.CHttpClient, CEventLogCTravianTaskBuildCTravianTaskBuild is CTravianTask child class. It presents the build task.CTravianTask, CEventLogCTravianTaskDevelopCTravianTaskDevelop is a CTravianTask child class. It presents the develop task.CTravianTask, CEventLogCTravianTaskTrainCTravianTaskTrain is CTravianTask child class. It presents the troop training task.CTravianTask, CEventLogCTravianTaskResourceTransportCTravianTaskResourceTransport is a CTravianTask child class.

It presents the resource transporting task.CTravianTask, CEventLogCTravianTaskDispatchTroopCTravianTaskDispatchTroop is a CTravianTask child class. It presents the troop dispatch task.CTravianTask, CEventLogCTravianTaskDispatchTroopCTravianTaskDispatchTroop is a CTravianTask child class.

It presents the troop dispatch task.CTravianTask, CEventLogTaskstypedef of the CTravianTask. vector. It's used as tasks queue.CTravianTaskCTravianTaskScheduleSchedule thread for the tasks queue.CTravianTask, Tasks, CEventLogCThreadScheduleSchedule thread for the tasks queue.CTravianTaskSchedule, CEventLogCFormTaskForm view for tasks parameter.CThreadSchedule, CEventLogCViewOutputEvent output view.CEventLogCViewTaskListView for tasks list.TasksHistory. Initial Release: (23 July 2007). Release: (18 August 2007)Fixed parsing negative village coordinate number problem.

Travian server script url code released by milaWhat's New in This Release?. Troop dispatch bug fixed. user.ini file. If this file exists, the program read it line by line. In the lines you can specify:.

line: URL of the server. S2.travian.hu). line: name of the user (e.g. Habakuk). line: password (e.g.

Babzsak). line: name of the file (e.g. Tasksen.txt). line: tribe type (e.g. 3)The tribe type can be:.

Roman. Teuton. Gall. Calculation for enough resources to complete the task.If there is not enough resources in the moment when the task runs, the program calculates the time when you will have enough resources to complete the task.

Travian Server Script Url

Travian Server Script Url Code

This new date will set as the execution date of the task. (The icon, in the task list, will change for a clock to show this situation.). specification instead of TimeTime/Time tag.

If you send your spys to scouting only (Scouting troop types only in the dispatched army) you can specify here what you are interested in. The type of spy can be 1 or 2. scouting resources and units. scouting defender devices and other unitsNOTE! You are responsible to send only scouters in the Troop/Troop.

I am not sure what you copied into the reply, but what is there is not acceptable to the program.You should check the 'Ignore HTML tags' at the bottom to insert the lines from your file.They should look something like this:13910,99 6,90,192007-10-23 11:29:29That is all on one line in the Action file.The LocationID is ALWAYS '39' to send troops.This will send troops:10,99 - Eq. Cesaris 99 means all that are in the village, up to 996,999 - Eq. And all in village, up to 999.11,1 - sends the HeroTo the target village is at 190,19.At the time specified.NOTE: If any of the troop types you request are not in your village, then the request will fail. Husband 17-Oct-07 6:5017-Oct-07 6:50I'm using Gauls and according following TroopType list. I use 1,50 to send 50 Phalanx and the task executed successful! However, when I use 4,20 to send 20 Theutates Thunder, the task cannot be executed.

Can anyone told me how to fix this?Gaul TroopType:1 Phalanx2 Swordfighter3 Pathfinder4 Theutates Thunder5 Druidrider6 Haeduan7 Ram8 Trebuchet9 Chieftain10 Settler11 Hero99 Trape.g.INFO2007-10-17 21:00:54-Begin to execute task:Dispatch troop Task: 1 39 1,50 3 2007-10-17 21:00:13.INFO2007-10-17 21:01:02-Task executed successful.e.g.INFO2007-10-17 23:24:23-Begin to execute task:Dispatch troop Task: 1 39 4,20 3 2007-10-17 23:24:19.Can't find the form input field named id. Form input fields count: 16.ERROR2007-10-17 23:24:28-℅℅℅Task executed failed.

Get confime form Post data failed, please check whether travian page html code changed. Task stopped.

I get the same error with build:'Can't find the form input field named z. Form input fields count: 9.ERROR2007-11-01 18:20:17-Task executed failed. Get confime form Post data failed, please check whether travian page html code changed. Task stopped.' Now i have another question, since i'm not a programmer, i managed to rebuild the project with the fix sugested by Romach.so far it's working fine.my question is why my exe has 4 MB and the original only 760 KB? Could be becouse of cryptlibD.lib?L.E.:The only problem with build is when you are transfering food too, then you get an error.if you make transfers without food, not even 1 unit, it should work just fine.To be continued.- modified at 15:56 Sunday 4th November, 2007. I think you are right.i was confused becouse i was using both.exe, a rebuild that i made and the version.and the version i'm using it for anything but resource transfers.Now, the rebuild of the project was made with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition, but using the cryptlibD.lib file instead of cryptlib.lib, becouse of an error that i encountered that knocked me up - i'm not a programmer.That's why my.exe is 4 MB, it's a debug version, but who's gonna debug it?not meIt's the same thing as version but with resource transfer fixed.

My problem (version: 3 24 1,1 2,0 3,0 4,0 7 2007-11-11 15:12 Error in log:INFO2007-11-11 15:14:01Begin to execute task:Resource transfer Task: VillageIndex=3 LocationID=24 Resource:Wood:1 Clay Iron Grain DestVillage:1,1 2,0 3,0 4,0 7 Time:2007-11-11 15:12:00INFO2007-11-11 15:14:07Need to login.INFO2007-11-11 15:14:08Login successful.INFO2007-11-11 15:14:08Login successful.ERROR2007-11-11 15:14:14Can't find the form input field named a. Form input fields count: 10.ERROR2007-11-11 15:14:14-Task executed failed. Get confime form Post data failed, please check whether travian page html code changed.

Task stopped.INFO2007-11-11 15:14:14Tasks execution finished.Help please. I'm sorry.This is correct task:3 24 1,1 2,0 3,0 4,0 172, -11 2007-11-12 20:26 and log:INFO2007-11-12 20:27:42Begin to execute task:Resource transfer Task: VillageIndex=3 LocationID=24 Resource:Wood:1 Clay Iron Grain DestVillage:172,-11 Time:2007-11-12 20:26:00INFO2007-11-12 20:27:44Need to login.INFO2007-11-12 20:27:46Login successful.INFO2007-11-12 20:27:46Login successful.ERROR2007-11-12 20:27:52Can't find the form input field named z.

Form input fields count: 10.ERROR2007-11-12 20:27:52-Task executed failed. Get confime form Post data failed, please check whether travian page html code changed. Task stopped.INFO2007-11-12 20:27:52Tasks execution finished.Last Visit: 5-Dec-19 8:10 Last Update: 5-Dec-19 8:103General News Suggestion Question Bug Answer Joke Praise Rant AdminUse Ctrl+Left/Right to switch messages, Ctrl+Up/Down to switch threads, Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right to switch pages.

RequirementsChrome/Chromium with Tampermonkey or ViolentmonkeyOpera with Tampermonkey or ViolentmonkeyFirefox with Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey or GreasemonkeyMicrosoft Edge with TampermonkeySafari with Tampermonkey,Android: Firefox with Violentmonkey or TampermonkeyRecommended: the latest version of these browsers and plug-ins.If you have Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey or Greasemonkey just click the Install button and the script will be added to your browser and it will also get automatic updates.Changelog:If you like this script, go to Feedback tab, and click the donate link.