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Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers

  1. Remington Shotgun Serial Numbers

Remington Sludge hammer Double Barrel or clip IdentificationFIREARMS INFORMATIONThe adhering to will be anexcerpt from a Remington 1902 list.N O Testosterone levels I M EFor assistance of clients buying doublegun parts, we provide the using information:The Remington DoubleGun offers been made in six models, identified as Sludge hammer LIFTER Activity, LIFTER ACTION,MODEL '82, MODEL '83, MODEL '85, AND '87. AND MODEL '89,many components of which differ. Parties owning weapons can determine their modelby evaluating their hammers with the using drawings. Sludge hammer LIFTER Motion -LIFTER Motion - MODEL 1882 -MODEL 1885 AND 1887 - MODEL 1889The above pictures used from an older Remington 1902parts catalogREMINGTON Twin BARRELSHOTGUN SERlAL NUMBERSC ourtesy óf Roy Gunther, WiIliam Meters. Furnish CharlesG. Semmer as published in THE Weapon REPORT, September Aug 1991Remington never utilized the yearof the first production as a design number, however it offers since turn out to be commonpractice to perform so. The language used right here Are usually the first calendar year of productionfor each called type.Michael1873 or 'sludge hammer liftermodel' used a handle on the tang that raised up to open the barrels and pull thehammers back to half cock.

The lockplate got 3 screws at the rear, produced in10 12 gauges.Meters1876 or 'lifter design'had the lifter opening the barrels. Hammers were rebounding. Firstwas the recessed sludge hammer noseslater flat. Four screws at the finish of thelockplate, produced in 10 12 gauges.The 1873 1876 were accessible inshotgun and rifle shotgun combinations.M1878or:heavy duckgun'; lockplate acquired flat faced hammers, no rudimentary fence at the bottom ofthe strengthen used a girl doll's head rib extension into the frame.Firstpinned over arms were used, later Deely Advantage latch had been utilized. 10 gaugeonly.Michael1882, for the firsttime a conventional turning lever to open the barrel or clip was used. Made in 10 12 gauges.M1883 had been introducedinto the catalogs, but few have ended up noticed.

Remington Shotgun Serial Numbers

The hammers are different,madé in 10 12 gauges.Michael1885-87, utilized the sameserial numbers as the 1882 model. The hammer was once again different.Made in 10, 12 16 gauges.M1889, the final largest volume made of the sludge hammer gunsthe sludge hammer was once again different substantial than all the relaxation. Produced in 10, 1216 gauges. MODELSERIAL NUMBERYEARS186-18821821000 - 200188314,000 - -188,000 - /924,000 - 265,000 (skipped most of 100,000 series)184100,000 - 1-0,000 - 3-1910Differences in Remington design 1894 1900double shotguns.Courtesy of Terry DeemThe 1894 was more of a accuracy fit weapon could be experienced as an engraved version.The 1900 was fundamentally an 'economy' version of the 1894.Before 1906 both the 1894 1900 versions acquired the firing pin produced integral on thehammers. Aróund 1906 Remington produced the transformation to the floating firing flag onboth guns. It was a running transformation so there is no precise serial quantity.The best way to tell the two design's aside is definitely by the serial figures.

The model1894 serial number's begin with a (1) and the design 1900 serial quantity's startwith á (3). All have 6 quantity's in the serial quantity. So if the serial numberstart's with a (3) it is certainly a model 1900.

Furthermore on the 1894 specifically onlater weapon's sometimes there is definitely a 'P' ahead of the serial amount, The 'P'signifies the 1894. On the 1900 sometimes there is usually a 'Queen' ahead of theserial quantity, the 'Queen' implies the model 1900.Ah significantly as the receiver parts proceed about the only difference is fit and finishbetween thé 1894 and the 1900.Another distinction will be the 1894 provides a Purdey forend fastener (drive button) andthe 1900 has the bite on Baker kind forend fastener.Gun's with smooth ribs will end up being earlier gunswill usually have the firing flag'sas component of the hammer. Furthermore, if possibly the 1894 or 1900 model provides a concave rib(not really smooth) and /or one mess in the cause safeguard (not really two) and /ór a concavésafety it will nearly always possess the suspended firing pin's. The modifications to thefloating shooting pin had been around 1906.Also on both versions the 1894 and 1900, there is definitely the 1894 patent date on theforend iron.For the design 1900, they did aside with the stage on top of the buttpIate andwent to á cheaper straighter buttpIate.I possess collected Remington model 1894 and 1900 dual for over 40 decades.

I alsodo maintenance and repair on them. Thanks a lot for allowing me to describe.Terry Deem (sórry, but this e-mail is no more time valid)Copyright © 2004 - 2015LeeRoy Wisner All Rights ReservedOriginated 05-17-04Last updated.